Erik Saglia "Odissea nella mia stanza"

Spazio Buonasera, Turin, Italy
The exhibition has been conceived moving from corners, squares and circles. I began by tracing signs, intertwining lines, full and empty shapes able to tidy and mess up the existing. I managed to adapt the small cosmogony that each man carries within himself to the size of the room. As if I were standing in front of a star map, I followed the corners, the curves and the straight lines, laying down my signs as if they were traces and hints to suggest the route for a small Odyssey within the room. While I was musing upon my work, De Chirico’s paintings showing Ulysses sailing in the middle of a chamber and his several painted rooms, packed with things and maps, came to my mind. I decided to embark on such a trip inside the venue at Spazio Buonasera, up and down a ladder, tracing routes through tape and colours, as if to act a sort of daily drift.
November 5, 2016
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