David Deutsch - In Motion

This exhibition, titled “In Motion”, presents a series of paintings which are made through a transfer process. Deutsch first paints on sheets of plastic which he then transfers onto stretched canvases. The folds and creases remain visible and the result is a transparent and fluid paint application. The paintings have the energy of gestural abstraction: they look like playful expressionistic exercises of paint loosely and liberally applied to canvas with speed and movement. But they also have an emotional presence that is voyeuristic, personal and linked to an archetypical memory.
Deutsch’s paintings depict landscapes with a frenetic composition of figures, domestic and outdoor spaces, cars, trucks, vans, roads and streets that intertwine and intersect -both spatially on the canvas and metaphysically-. It seems they have been caught in a specific moment and they are now in a suspended dimension. The imagery recalls the voyeuristic views of American Realism but Deutsch clearly extends his dispassionate version of seeing things, showing also the fraught and anxious theater that is contemporary painting itself.