Wim Delvoye - Solo show

The show presents a selection of iconic pieces from Wim Delvoye’s oeuvre of the past 15 years, from the neo-gothic ironwork, twisted bronze sculptures, Rorschach sculptures to the carved tires, aiming to strengthen the artist’s years-long relationship with the History of Art.
Delvoye art offers a re-interpretation of artworks from the past while laying down a lucid and amused glance at contemporary society. He has studied and explored Art History, Gothic Cathedrals and sculptures from Nineteenth century, but also Bosh, Brueghel, Warhol and, simultaneously, revealing the beauty of daily objects. With a Baroque gesture between homage and irreverence, he appropriates and deforms the motifs that inspire him. Indeed, his art is often a combination of craftsmanship and the most sophisticated industrial manufacturing techniques. Blurring the boundary between the art of the past and the digital realm of current art practice, he makes perfect intricate and twisted sculptures that take both art and design to new levels of invention.
Playing with both artistic conventions and the conventions of consumer society, re-appropriating everyday objects as well as the symbols and icons of the history of art, Delvoye questions, through his seemingly inflammatory works, the apparently irreconcilable conflict between use and value, craft and technology, high and low culture.